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CD30 ligand

Brief Information

Name:Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 8
Target Synonym:CD153,CD30LG,CD30 ligand,CD30-L,CD30L,Tumor Necrosis Factor (Ligand) Superfamily, Member 8,TNF Superfamily Member 8,Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily Member 8,TNLG3A,CD153 Antigen,Tumor Necrosis Factor Superfamily Member 8,Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand 3A,CD30 Antigen Ligand
Number of Launched Drugs:0
Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:0
Lastest Research Phase:Preclinical

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Par statut du produit :
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Par conjugaison :
Cat . Non Espèces Description du produit Structure Pureté Caractéristique
CDL-H524b Human Human CD30 Ligand / TNFSF8 Protein, His Tag, low endotoxin (MALS verified)
CDL-H525b Human Human CD30 Ligand / TNFSF8 Protein, Mouse IgG2a Fc Tag, low endotoxin
ACRO Quality

Part of Bioactivity data

CDL-H524b-Cell-based assay
 CD30 ligand FACS

FACS analysis shows that Human CD30 Ligand Protein, His Tag (Cat. No. CDL-H524b) can bind to K562-CD30 cells surface CD30. The concentration of Human CD30 Ligand is 3 μg/mL (Routinely tested).

CDL-H524b-Cell-based assay
 CD30 ligand FACS

FACS analysis shows that the binding of Human CD30 Ligand Protein, His Tag (Cat. No. CDL-H524b) to K562-CD30 cells surface CD30 was inhibited by increasing concentration of neutralizing anti-CD30 antibody. The concentration of Human CD30 Ligand used is 3 μg/mL. The IC50 is 0.2401 μg/mL (Routinely tested).

 CD30 ligand BLI

Loaded Biotinylated Human CD30, Avitag,His Tag (Cat. No. CD0-H82E6) on SA Biosensor, can bind Human CD30 Ligand Protein, His Tag (Cat. No. CDL-H524b) with an affinity constant of 132 nM as determined in BLI assay (ForteBio Octet Red96e) (Routinely tested).

 CD30 ligand BLI

Loaded Biotinylated Human CD30 Protein, Avitag,His Tag (Cat. No. CD0-H82E6) on SA Biosensor, can bind Human CD30 Ligand Protein, Mouse IgG2a Fc Tag (Cat. No. CDL-H525b) with an affinity constant of 114 nM as determined in BLI assay (ForteBio Octet Red96e) (Routinely tested).

Synonym Name

CD30-L,CD153,TNFSF8,CD30L,CD30LG,CD153 antigen,CD30 antigen ligand,CD30 Ligand


CD30 ligand (CD30L) and CD30 are interacting cellsurface glycoproteins that are members of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and tumour necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamilies. In humans, CD30L is expressed at high levels on activated T cells. There is conflicting evidence with regard to cell surface expression of CD30L on primary human B cells. An initial report of constitutive CD30L expression on peripheral blood B cells33 has not been substantiated.

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